We offer a festival that is out of the ordinary, one with stages and stands – the venues for this festival are the gardens of Erdőbénye.We hope our visitors will take a walk through the streets of the village, to go and see the various winemakers, to sit in their gardens and taste the foods and wines on offer, listening to music and immersing themselves in the magical atmosphere of this land.Wander along the streets to experience the various atmospheres that each place offers, a colourful cavalcade with real characters and unique features. This is what combines to create Wine, Shine…Bénye. Winemakers: Ábrahám, Bardon, Béres, Csiszovszki, Homonna, Illés, Karádi-Berger, Kerékgyártó, Turján, Olze-Vin, Ungváry, Vivamus |
Bands: Kistehén, Mihály Dresch, Ágnes Herczku and Nikola Parov, Jorg Hegemann, Gryllus Vilmos, Édes Málé Trió, Káosz Kapitány, The Transform Quintet, Váczi Eszter Quartet, Escargoz, Nina Jazz 12th of August – Friday19.00 Playful wine-tasting with the Erdőbénye winemakers and the Borkollégium (Wine College) 13th of August – Saturday9.30 On stilts up to the hilltop – Csillagfogadó 14th of August – Sunday8.30 Mass – Catholic church
For more information: http://bormamorbenye.hu Czabányi Attila Tel.:30/445-1127 E-mail: czabanyi@freemail.hu |