Wine, Shine …Benye 2011

ErdőbényeWe offer a festival that is out of the ordinary, one with stages and stands – the venues for this festival are the gardens of Erdőbénye.We hope our visitors will take a walk through the streets of the village, to go and see the various winemakers, to sit in their gardens and taste the foods and wines on offer, listening to music and immersing themselves in the magical atmosphere of this land.Wander along the streets to experience the various atmospheres that each place offers, a colourful cavalcade with real characters and unique features. This is what combines to create Wine, Shine…Bénye.
Winemakers: Ábrahám, Bardon, Béres, Csiszovszki, Homonna, Illés, Karádi-Berger, Kerékgyártó, Turján, Olze-Vin, Ungváry, Vivamus
Kistehén, Mihály Dresch, Ágnes Herczku and Nikola Parov, Jorg Hegemann, Gryllus Vilmos, Édes Málé Trió, Káosz Kapitány, The Transform Quintet, Váczi Eszter Quartet, Escargoz, Nina Jazz

12th of August – Friday

19.00 Playful wine-tasting with the Erdőbénye winemakers and the Borkollégium (Wine College)
Price: 2,800 Ft / pers, which includes the festival tasting glass and 10 wines to taste. Venue – Football pitch stage
21.00 Kistehén concert – football pitch stage
with: the wine bar
Foods provided by Magita Restaurant and Grillbolygó
23.00 tea- and wine ceremony – Carpe Diem Teahouse
max. 15 person, cost: 1,500 Ft Karádi-Berger Winery

13th of August – Saturday

9.30 On stilts up to the hilltop – Csillagfogadó
10.00 – 18.00 Market – Village museum garden
10.00 – 21.00 Jazz and classics, tea house Concerto – Karádi-Berger Winery
11.00 – Handcraft workshop for children – Catholic church garden
12.00 – 17.00 Wine and soda pergola – Ábrahám Cellar
12.30 Dr. Krisztián Ungváry: vineyard mythology in the labyrinth of history Mátyás Bél myth and reality – Ábrahám Cellar
13.00 Huncutka Puppte Theatre Sárospatak: “Júlia szép leány” Puppet play for young and adults
14.00 Mihály Dresch jazz – Catholic church
14.00 Music playground with traditional folk instruments – Karádi-Berger Winery
15.30 Édes Málé Trio – Ábrahám Cellar
16.30 Vilmos Gryllus – Péter Turján Winery
17.45 Road train to the top of the meadows
18.00 Escargoz music group: vibrant jazz – Bardon Winery
18.30 The Transform Quintet – Péter Turján Winery
19.00 Ágnes Herczku and Nikola Parov folk music – Béres Wine Estate
20.00 Jörg Hegemann boogie-woogie pianist – Magita
20.00 Tastes of Provence and Tuscany slide show – Karádi-Berger Winery
20.30 Eszter Váczi Quartet – Bardon Winery
21.00 Káosz kapitány Dj – Karádi-Berger Winery
21.00 Moldovian dance house with music from the Édes Málé trió – Ábrahám Cellar

14th of August – Sunday

8.30 Mass – Catholic church
9.30 Up hill, down dale – bike tour in the uncharted Erdőbénye area –
10.00 – Wine fair
11.00 Service – Reformed church
12.00 Nina Jazz (Sára Horváth – Viktor Tóth) Folk&Jazz concert


Bor, mámor …Bénye 2011 nagyobb térképen való megjelenítése
For more information:
Czabányi Attila

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