Major Hungarian Wine-related Programs in 2016

Like in previous years, this time we have collected all major wine-related programs to be held in 2016. In this year, similar to the last year, Hungarian wine-lovers, both amateurs and professionals, will have plenty of opportunity to taste Hungarian wines. Good news to food and music lovers: in each and every occasion the presentation of local food specialties and cultural programs will enhance the event. Please take a look at our calendar, which will be updated all the time.

9 January – “Jégvirágtól Borvirágig” (from white frost to red cheeks … Hungarian play on words) 2016.

This event is located in the Monor Pincefalu (Cellar Village). At several places of this festival visitors will have unlimited taste of traditional and special mulled wines made by local winemakers. In addition, chefs invited by the winemakers will offer tasty bites in the so-called “all you can eat” system.

23 January – “Winter Picnic in Etyek”

Winemakers from Újhegy and Szépvölgy in Etyek will invite guests and other winemakers to visit Gasztrosétány. Similar to past picnics, the event is enhanced by exhibition of quality artifacts and culinary presentation and a market. The mulled wine competition will guarantee satisfaction.

23 January – “Pincéről pincére” (from Cellar to Cellar) – Variations on Vince 2016.

Revival of an old tradition in Villány: winemakers try to forecast this year’s harvest from the weather on Vince-day and the condition of vine cuts, so-called „Vince vesszők” (Vince twigs). The event includes wine tasting and tasty bits from Siklós to Villány.

27-30 January. “Exhibition of Vineyards and Cellars 2016.”

This unique exhibition of vineyards and cellars is the only event which presents the winemaking technology. This event, to be held in January, before starting the 2016 season, will provide an opportunity to local players of the industry.

4 February – “Furmint in February”

So far more than 50 cellars have been registered at the February Great Furmint Tasting, to be held in the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture.

13 February – “Olaszrizling Szerintünk” (Olaszriesling as we make it)

Producers of this unique wine will come together, taste and contemplate about the future and about the chances of Olaszrizling.

12-13 February – “Borjour Magnum”

This year’s Borjour will be held over two days with the participation of more than 200 winemakers and 600 wine samples.

26 February- “Eger-Szekszárd Bikavér Párbaj” (Bikavér Duel)

Best winemakers from Eger and Szekszárd will compare their Bikavérs in Budapest, in Hote Corinthia Hotel.

27 February – “Magyar Borok Bálja” (Ball of Hungarian Wines)

The 11th The Ball of Hungarian Wines will be presented in 2016, in the Hotel InterContinental Budapest. This event will offer high-quality Hungarian wines in a matching environment.

3 March – “Borjog és Bormarketing Konferencia” (Wine Legislations and Marketing Conference)

This Conference, with an expected participation of 200 people, is aimed to provide a forum to opinions helping the winemaking industry. Also, this event will provide a platform to professional communication. Location: Boscolo New York Palace.

3-5 March “VinCE Budapest Wine Show”

International experts, famous winemakers and wine writers will meet in Budapest, during the first weekend of this spring. This grandiose Wine Show will present an opportunity to Hungarian winemakers too. Almost 1000 wines from more than 100 winemakers will be available to ticket-holders of this standing reception. Master classes and workshops will also be presented, mostly in English language.

19 March – “Tokaj Grand Wine Tasting”

Tokaj Grand, to be held this year second time, is aimed to draw attention of wine-lovers and the general public not only to the Tokaj region but also to the entire wine region.

Location: Hotel Corinthia Budapest.

March – “Pezsgő Páholy” (Sparking Wine Guild)

This grandiose event will be organized by “Garamvári Szőlőbirtok” to present local champagnes and relevant dishes.

19-20 March – “Nyitott pincék Hajós” (Open Cellars) 2016

Open Cellars in the Cellar Village of Hajós! This cellar village is the star of the Hajós-Baja wine region, where wines are the only occupants of 1200 wine cellars.

12 April – “Spring Picnic in Etyek”

25 April – “Kékfrankos Április Nagykóstoló” (Grand Kékfrankos Tasting in April)

The Grand Kékfrankos Tasting in April will draw attention to the most abundant red wine grape in Hungary.

May – “Szekszárdi – Kulcs a szívedhez” (Szekszárd Key to your Heart).

This wine tasting will be held in Budapest with the participation of app. 20 winemakers from Szekszárd.

May – “Szegedi Borfesztivál” (Wine Festival in Szeged)

Wine Festival in Szeged – Day of Szeged. This series of festivities is the biggest party in the city, with concerts, shows and excellent wines lasting over 10 days.

6-8 May 6-8 – “Rosalia 2016″

Opening the Summer Season with fresh rose, sparkling wine and champagnes in the Gesztenyés garden..

12-15 May – “Gourmet Festival”

As usual, this festival will be held in the Millenáris Park, where chefs from first-rate restaurants will provide food specialties and the best winemakers and wholesalers will offer samples.

13-22 May “Nemzeti Bor Maraton” (National Wine Marathon)

In 2015: Almost 9 000 runners (with one world record – this was the longest marathon relay) and 103 settlements participated in 11 VIP locations with colorful programs. More than 20 000 people took part in this event, which covered all 22 wine regions in Hungary.

7-8 June – “Nyári Etyeki Piknik” (Summer Picnic in Etyek)

20 June – “Pezsgő Június Nagykóstoló” (Grand Champagne Tasting in June)

This event – organized by Winelovers – will be aimed to bubbling wines with the presentation of the best local and foreign sparkling wines and champagnes. As usual, master classes and other specialties will be on the plate.

25 June – “VinAgora Borgála” (VinAgora Wine Gala”

Samples of wines participating in the VinAgora competition will be offered to the general public in Budapest, in the Boscolo New York Palace.

July – “Egri Bikavér Ünnep” (Festival of Bikavér in Eger)

This wine festival, one of the most significant wine and culinary event of the Eger region, will be held in the romantic, tree-covered garden of Érsekkert. Lots of programs will be presented, among them artisan and craftsmen market and several musical events on two stages.

4-7 August “Debreceni Borkarnevál 2016″ and “Debreceni Bor- és Jazznapok” (Debrecen Wine Carnival 2016 and Debrecen Wine and Jazz Days)

These outdoor programs will take place at Békás Lake. This is the oldest jazz festival held without missing a single year.

12-14 August – “Bor, Mámor, Bénye” (Wine, Ecstasy, Bénye)

Wines from Tokaj, food specialties from Zemplén: festival in the gardens of Erdőbénye.

3-4 September – “Budafoki Pezsgő- és Borfesztivál” (Champagne and Wine Festival in Budafok)

6-7 SeptemberSzeptember 6-7 – “Őszi Etyeki Piknik” (Autumn Picnic in Etyek)

8-11 September – “Budapest Borfesztivál 2016″ (Budapest Wine Festival 2016)

In the Budapest Wine Festival, to be held on the terraces of the Castle of Buda, not only winemakers from Hungary, but also famous foreign wine traders will present their renowned wines to the visitors.

October – “Villányi Vörösborfesztivál” (Festival of Red Wines in Villány)

October – “Móri Bornapok” (Wine Days in Mór)

10 October – “Olaszrizling Október Nagykóstoló” (Grand Olaszriesling Tasting in October)

The fourth Grand Olaszriesling Tasting with the participation of the best Hungarian and foreign Olaszrieslings. Exciting master classes will enhance the atmosphere of the event.

November – “Márton Napi Borfesztivál a Gellértben” (Wine Festival on Márton Day in Hotel Gellért)

November – “Mitiszol Fesztivál” (What is in Your Glass Festival)

This wine tasting will be organized by Terra Hungarica, which is committed to make authentic Hungarian wines more popular. Almost 30 winemakers with 100 wines will participate in this event, where appropriate dishes will also be on the plate.

26 November – “Bordó Blend Nagykóstoló” (Grand Tasting of Bordeaux Blend)

In this November, like before, great wines from Bordeaux will be presented.


