About Hungarian Wine » Event http://www.abouthungarianwine.com News and events from the 22 wine regions of Hungary. Wed, 09 Sep 2015 19:59:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.4 Autumn Picnic Etyek 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/autumn-picnic-etyek-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/autumn-picnic-etyek-2015/#comments Sat, 05 Sep 2015 10:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=5026 Autumn Picnic Etyek 5-6 September, 2015.

Flavours of Autumn on Gasztrosétány. (promenade)

Wine tastings, gastronomic specialities, cultural and children’s programs, cooking contest, bike & wine cottage and numerous other cultural program during the whole weekend from 10 am.

Facebook event


Bread with Aubergine and ’zakuszka’ cream
Deer stew with potato nutcake and catfish stew with homemade pastry

Estate Gradowski

Special wine from Szekszárd and delicious coffee

Garaguly Estate and Wine-cellar: Áts Family Winery (Mád), Balla Géza Winery (Arad-hegyalja)

cellar milan

Milan-style rich harvest-time goulash, tripe with trotters, homemade crunchy greaves
Home-made honey-creamy and strudel, home-made syrups, jams and Pálinka

Garden of transylvania’s flavours

Miccs from Transylvania, meat stuffed into grape leaf, Bread with ’zakuszka’ cream and home-made salami

Sparkling wine Cellar Gombai

Tasting of wine and champagne specialities
How to make champagne – presentation
Must and grapes, home-made strudel and scone, wine-chocolate and wine-jam

Árpás Laci Fröccsterasza (Spritzer Terrace): Heimann Family Estate (Szekszárd), Laposa Wine Estate (Badacsony)
Árpás Laci Ham Master’s Cellar: Folly Arboretum and Winery (Badacsony), Grof Buttler Winery (Eger), Günzer Tamás (Villány)

Gourmet ham, grilled food; Honey and Chilion tasting
Honeys of Etyek, Borostyán’s leather goods, Jármy’s Manufactory
Roma Jazz

Cellar Halmi

Rose and other home-made syrups and cakes, jam tasting and sales, herbs and tea tasting and sales
Madzag & Csomó (String & Knot) : sailing inspired jewellery for men and women
ART HEKK:Balaton inspired kinky creations on wooden boards and recycled canvas bags
Noll Farm – Levander Manufactory

Cellar Takáts – Angels’ garden

Panorama belvedere from Angels’ Garden
Bread with mustard-cream and greaves-cream with vegetables, Etyek-style home-made letcho, Takáts-style stew, grilled meats pancakes, fruity cakes, home-made syrups and lemonade

Cellar Szent Orbán

Etyeki “Gezemice” scone
Gingalló Etyek manufactured chocolate. Interactive chocolate making in the workhouse – registration is necessary
“Valaha Tanya”: home-made syrup tasting

Cellar Zarándok
Cellar Kácsor „Kíra”

Goose-greaves cream, home-made ham, grilled sausage, scone with sheep-cheese and home-made strudels

Rezeda Terrace– AnonymPince-Szövényi Áron and Family (Etyek)

Manufactured wine ice-cream, special variations of letchos, home-made syrups and coffee

Garden stage


13.00: “CsakBence” plays with his guitar


13:00 Lili Péterffy sings
16:00 The Stickfigures Band plays

EtyekVin: cellar fekete (somló)

Grilled foods


Live music all day: Béla Gyenes, Csaba Takácsand Gyula Kelemen Gyula play

Press House Tiszperger

ÉDENKERT Group – sales of manufactured products
Csinta – Aloha(dried fruits) and chimney cakes

Orosz Gyula Family Winery (Etyek)

STELÁZSI –fine food and kids’ programs: story telling, music, drawing, plasticine
home-made scone

Debreczeni – Ferenczi Family Winery (Szekszárd)

Tasting and sales of wine from Etyek and Szekszárd


10:30- 3:30 Janota Zoltán, accordionist
13:30-16:30 Indian Joe Band
16:30-17:00 Rock’n’roll concert
17:00-22:00 Schwab’N’Roll Band


12:00-15:00 Dudás Zoltán, guitar
16:00-20:00 Retro Moss Band

Cellar Dvorák

Home-made dishes made of family vegetables, fruits and food: cold cherry-soup, tarragon ragout-soup, tripe with trotters, grilled sausage, etc.

Etyeki Sajtútállomás (Cheese-road station): maurus winery (mór)

Interactive cheese and butter making
Cheese and cottage cheese specialities
„Pusztabusztúra” – tour around the vineyard by tractor, starting at 13:00 and 15:00 from the bus turn
“Etyek Czimeres Pálinka” – Pálinka tasting and sale

Press House Fonó


13.00 Bahorka Company (folk music for children and parents as well)
15.00 Csángálló Band (folk dance)


13.00 Góbé Band plays
15.00 Authentic folk music
16.00 Cosa Polska Band plays

Cellar Krisán: Cellar and Wine Estate of Bolyki (Eger) recommended by Zwack Izabella Wine Shop
Rókusfalvy Estate: Cellar Dúzsi Tamás (Szekszárd), Szatmári Family Winery (Szigliget)

All weekend programs:

10.00 cooking contest (announcement of result at 14.00)
10.00-18.00: Folklore games and manufacturer corner for children
11.00-16.00-ig ’Glass in hand’ special cellar-tour with wine tasting in every hour
Tokaj Wine Vinegar Manufactory sales and winetasting with Cellar ‘Epermester’

Szombat: Szőlőskerti Party

19.00 Pure Mr G & Kinga Péterfy Live Vocal
22.00-02.00 Dj Deza

Panoráma Terrace: Holdvölgy (Tokaj-hegyalja)

11.00-16.00 Bike tour (registration in the field)

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/autumn-picnic-etyek-2015/feed/ 0
Furmint Festival at Mád 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/furmint-festival-at-mad-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/furmint-festival-at-mad-2015/#comments Fri, 04 Sep 2015 13:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=5022 Several cellars will open their doors to the public; they will offer not only fine wines but also exhibitions, concerts and other exciting programs.


Első Mádi Borház
3909 Mád, Hunyadi utca 2.

Barta Pince
3909 Mád, Rákóczi utca 81.

Bihari Pincészet és Szőlőbirtok
3909 Mád, Batthyány u. 4.

Bodnár Pincészet
3909 Mád Szabadság tér 22

Bodvin Pincészet
3909 Mád Fadrusz János u. 3.

Budaházy Pincészet
3909 Mád, Batthyány u. 17.

3909 Mád, Bercsényi u. 5.

Ferdinánd Pincészet
3909 Mád, Magyar u. 38.

3909 Mád, Batthyány utca 69.

Lenkey Család Szőlészete és Pincészete
3039 Mád, Táncsics u. 29.

3909 Mád Árpád u. 35.

Monyók pincészet
3039 Mád, Táncsics utca 18.

Orosz Gábor Pincészete
Mád 3909, Táncsics Mihály utca 4.
Prekob Pincészet
3909 Mád, Szabadság tér 52.

Royal Tokaji Borászat
3909 Mád, Rákóczi u. 35.

Szent Tamás Pincészet
3909 Mád Batthyány u 51

Szepsy Pince
3039 Mád, Batthyány utca 59.

Takács Pincészet
3909 Mád, Zempléni u. 17.

Tokaj Classic
3909 Mád, Rákóczi utca 45.

Török pincészet
3039 Mád, Táncsics u. 15.

Úri Borok Pincészete
3909 Mád, Rákóczi u. 65.

Zsirai Pincészet
3909 Mád, Batthyány u. 71.

Angyal Borászat és Szőlőbirtok
3908, Rátka, Iskolameggyes-dűlő 2016/3

Árvay Pincészet
Rátka, Széchenyi tér 13.

Bagolyvár Pince és Vendégház
3907 Tállya, Rózsa u. 3.

Európa Centruma Pinceborozó és Vendégház
3907 Tállya, Palota u.

Homoky Családi Pincészet és Vendégház
3907 Tállya, Rákóczi u. 49.

Tokaji Borbarátnők Bor és agroturisztikai központja
3909 Mád, Rákóczi u. 57.

Facebook event

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Wine, ecstasy…Bénye 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/wine-ecstasy-benye-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/wine-ecstasy-benye-2015/#comments Fri, 14 Aug 2015 08:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=5004 One of the most exciting cultural and gastronomic festival of the region will be held seventh times in this magical village of Erdőbénye in Tokaj-hegyalja. Culinary events, concerts and children programs will be offered to visitors on this event, to be held on 14-16 August.

The unique mood of Wine, Ecstasy … Bénye is based on its locations: vineyards and cellars of local winemakers will accommodate the concerts and famous restaurants of the region.

High-quality performers of Hungarian jazz, folk music and world music will visit estates of the village. All ingredients of a pleasant weekend will be on hand: multicultural programs, fine wines from Tokaj, matching dishes, a picturesque village and friendly hosts.


Béres Vineyards and Winery
Bardon Winery
Jakab Winery
Budaházy-Fekete Kúria Winery
Vayi Winery
Illés Cellar
Gordius Winery
Kerékgyártó Cellar
Karádi-Berger Winery
Csite Family Estate
Ábrahám Winery



http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/wine-ecstasy-benye-2015/feed/ 0
Budapest Wine Festival 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/budapest-wine-festival-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/budapest-wine-festival-2015/#comments Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:31:57 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5009 The Budapest Wine Festival 2015 will be held on 9-13 September. Slogan of this year’s festival: „Borúra derű, derűre bor” – bad mood-good mood, good mood – good wine.

Budavári Borfestival 2015 Photo: www.aborfesztival.hu

The Budapest Wine Festival, first of all, is aimed to provide guidelines to foreign visitors less familiar with Hungarian wines with offering the selection of most significant and characteristic brands. The organizers are keen on offering exceptional wines made from the highest possible number of vine specialties.

The renewed webpage of the festival provides some kind of guidelines to the visitors, but some of the information so far is not public. As soon as we obtain more information, our article will be continuously updated.

In parallel with the Festival, the Wine University will be open again, where well-known experts will hold lectures to wine lovers and wine experts who would like to learn more about the subject. Needless to say, interesting wine tastings will accompany these lectures.

This year organizers will pay more attention to gastronomy. In addition to the usual stands, several new exhibitors will introduce themselves.

In each year the wine seminar is engaged – first of all – in current subjects, presented by well-known and accredited experts and followed by tasting of excellent wines. In this year we will have an opportunity to learn about the complex rejuvenation of one of Hungary’s largest winemaker company – the Tokaj Trading House (Tokaj Kereskedőház).
Among others, the manager of the company will offer a presentation. The chief winemaker will show specialties of the House: samples from the barrels of the 5 and 6 puttony aszú and the liquid gold, the Essencia.

People who are uncertain about what to taste, we recommend the thematic wine tasting route called “Discover Hungary’s flavors”. Award winning wines of last years’ VinAgora Competition (Central-European International Wine Competition) will be introduced along this route.

During the first two days of the festival cellars will offer advertised wine pairs to the guests as part of the “Borpár program – Wine-pair program”. Tasting of the pairs will offer an opportunity to compare various characteristics of wines – such as baroque fermentation, vintage, region or aging time – with using actual testing of the flavors.

List of exhibitors:

N. Name Wine region
4 Obzidian Bormanufaktúra Tokaj
5 Pauleczki-Vin Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet Tokaj
6 Chateau Cloche Kft. Tokaj
7 Holdvölgy Borászat Tokaj
8 Budaházy-Fekete Kúria Pincészet Tokaj
9 Royal Tokaji Borászat Tokaj
10 Tokaj Kereskedőház Tokaj
11 Varga Pincészet Badacsony
13 Balassa Bor Tokaj
14 Gizella Pince Tokaj
15 Zwack Izabella Borkereskedés Borkereskedő
16 Szent Tamás Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet Tokaj
17 Barta Pince Tokaj
17 Budaházy Pince Tokaj
18 Szega Amerika Amerika
19 Nyakas Pince Etyek-Buda
20 Gancia Pezsgőház Olaszország
22 Monarchia Borok, Kovács Nimród Borászat Eger
27 Zsirai Pincészet Nagy-Somló
27 Zsirai Pincészet Villány
27 Zsirai Pincészet Tokaj
28 Gál Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet Kunság
29 Tokaj-Hétszőlő Szőlőbirtok, Rákóczi Pince és Udvarház Tokaj
30 Egri Borvár Tóth Ferenc Pincészet Eger
31 Hilltop Neszmély Borászat Neszmély
32 Szöllősi Pincészet Neszmély
36 Lenkey Pincészet Tokaj
37 Breitenbach Pince Tokaj
40 Borterasz.hu Borkereskedő
41 Füleky Pincészet Tokaj
42 DULA Pincészet Eger
43 Molnár Borház – Mór Mór
45 Fekete Pince Somlóhegy Nagy-Somló
46 Dél-Afrika Borai – Palásthy & Emmert Kft. Borkereskedő
48 Blum Pince – Borozó Villány
49 Sümegi és Fiai Pincészet Hajós-Baja
50 Gedeon Birtok Kunság
51 Vinagora Érmes Borok Háza Közösségi
52 Országos Takarékszövetkezeti Borverseny Közösségi
54 Egri Korona Borház Eger
55 Hajós-Bajai Borvidék Hajós-Baja
56 Koch Borászat Kunság
56 Vin Art Pincészet Villány
57 Frittmann Borászat Kunság
59 Royalsekt Zrt. Pezsgőpincészet Kunság
60 Spar Főtámogató
61 Hungária Pezsgő és Koktélbár Etyek-Buda
62 Törley Pezsgőpincészet Etyek-Buda
63 Francois, György-villa Etyek-Buda
64 Horvátországi Magyar Borászok Délvidék
65 www.olaszbor.hu Olaszország
67 United Brands Borkereskedő
68 Villa Sandi Olaszország
69 Gróf Buttler Borászat Eger
70 Vincze Borászat Eger
71 Demeter Pincészet Eger
72 Thummerer Pince Eger
73 Petrény Winery Eger
74 Varsányi Pincészet Eger
75 St. Andrea Szőlőbirtok Eger
76 Ostorosbor Eger
77 Böjt Borászat Eger
82 Sidewayz – Borigo Borkereskedő
83 2HA Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet Badacsony
83 Balogh Zoli – Somlói Apátsági Pince Nagy-Somló
83 Bukolyi Családi Birtok Eger
83 Centurio Szőlőbirtok – Ludányi Balázs Mátra
83 Hertzka Birtok Balatonfüred-Csopak
83 Kézműves Borok Háza Borkereskedő
83 Kikelet Pince – Berecz Stephanie Tokaj
83 Losonci Pince Mátra
83 Orsolya Pince Eger
83 Ráspi Borászat Sopron
83 Szecskő Pince Mátra
83 Szentesi Pince Etyek-Buda
84 Váli Bor Badacsony
85 Vinolin Villány
86 Le Gourmet de Bordeaux Franciaország
87 Garamvári Szőlőbirtok Balatonboglár
88 Dobosi Pincészet Balatonfüred-Csopak
89 Borbély Családi Pincészet Badacsony
91 Várszegi Pincészet Balatonboglár
93 Ax Wine (e)motion Balatonboglár
94 Pócz Pincészet Balatonboglár
95 Bujdosó Szőlőbirtok Balatonboglár
96 Ikon Borászat, Konyári Pincészet Balatonboglár
97 Katona Borház Balatonboglár
98 bornyito.hu Borkereskedő
105 Sauska Villány
105 Sauska Tokaj
107 KisBécs Ausztria
108 Carla – Kertész Családi Pincészet Etyek-Buda
109 Hudák Szőlőbirtok és Borászat Balatonfüred-Csopak
110 Balog Árpád kézműves családi borászata Csongrád
111 Gróf Degenfeld Szőlőbirtok Tokaj
112 Pajzos-Megyer Pincészet Tokaj
113 Günzer Tamás Pincészete Villány
114 Borpalota Borászat és Szőlőbirtok Mátra
115 miklóscsabi Mór
116 Bezerics Borház Balaton-felvidék
117 Zala Gyöngye Zala
118 Eke Bor Balaton-felvidék
119 Haraszthy Pincészet Etyek-Buda
122 Kiss István Pincészete Tokaj
123 Matias Borászat Villány
124 IFDT-The Spirit Of Wine Borkereskedő
125 Babits Pincészet Tokaj
126 www.olaszbor.hu Olaszország
127 WineAge Kft. – ERRAZURIZ Borkereskedő
128 Valpolicella Kft., Olasz Borok Olaszország
129 Juhász Testvérek Pincészete Eger
130 Dávid Borház Eger
134 Lajvér Avantgarde Szekszárd
135 Takler Borbirtok Szekszárd
136 Szeleshát Szőlőbirtok Szekszárd
137 Bodri Pincészet Szekszárd
138 Ferger-Módos Borászat Szekszárd
139 Tüske Pince Nagy-Somló
140 Tokaj Classic Kft. Tokaj
141 Prestigebor Borkereskedő
142 Eszterbauer Borászat Szekszárd
143 Schieber Pincészet Szekszárd
144 Dúzsi Tamás Pincéje Szekszárd
146 Fekete Borpince Szekszárd
147 Mészáros Borház Szekszárd
148 Villányi Franc Villány
149 Malatinszky Kúria Organikus Szőlőbirtok Villány
150 Heumann Pincészet Villány
151 Gere Attila Pincészete Villány
152 Csányi Pincészet Villány
153 Janus Borház Villány
154 Tiffan Ede és Zsolt Pincészete Villány
155 Maczkó Róbert Villány
156 Batthyány Pince Villány
157 Gere Tamás és Zsolt Pincészete Villány
158 Vinatus Pince Villány
159 Bock Pince Villány
160 Somogyi Tibor Pincészete Villány
161 Günzer Zoltán Pincészete Villány
162 Linbrunn Pincészet Villány
163 Mokos Pincészet Villány
164 Áts Károly pincészete Tokaj
165 Balla Géza Pincészete Ménes (Erdély)
166 Bárdos és Fia Pincészet Mátra
168 Taschner Bor és Pezsgőház Sopron
169 Laposa Pincészet – Bazaltbor Badacsony Badacsony
170 Luka Pincészet Sopron
171 Pfneiszl Bio Birtok Sopron
172 Villa Sandahl Badacsony
176 Tornai Pincészet Nagy-Somló
177 Kolonics Pincészet Nagy-Somló
178 Recas Pince Erdély Erdély
179 Szatmári Pincészet Badacsony
180 Kreinbacher Birtok Nagy-Somló
181 L. Simon Borászat Etyek-Buda

For more information:
Budapest Wine Festival
Facebook event


Daily ticket

Ticket includes 1 crystal tasting glass, 1 carrier bag for the tasting glass, free enrty to the permanent exhibitions of Budapest History Museum and a wristband with unlimited exit and reenrty for 1 day.

Until 23rd August jegyvasarlas_tablaba 2 400 HUF pp
After 23rd August 3 000 HUF pp
Helyszínen 3 000 HUF pp

5-day ticket

Ticket includes 1 crystal tasting glass, 1 carrier bag for the tasting glass, free enrty to the permanent exhibitions of Budapest History Museum and a wristband with unlimited exit and reenrty for all 5 days.

Until 23rd August jegyvasarlas_tablaba 4 500 HUF pp
Until 4th September
5 500 HUF pp
After 4th September
7 000 HUF pp

With tickets purchased online please use Prepaid Ticket Exchange Point.

Tickets online on Broadway Ticket Office website:

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/budapest-wine-festival-2015/feed/ 0
Ördögkatlan Festival 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/ordogkatlan-festival-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/ordogkatlan-festival-2015/#comments Wed, 29 Jul 2015 20:17:28 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=4981 The 8th Ördögkatlan (Pan-Art) Festival will be held between 4 and 8 August in the following locations: Nagyharsány, Kisharsány, Palkonya, Beremend Vylyan Terrace.

Ordogkatlan 2015 Photo: Viktor Szemán

The five days will be full of events: high quality theater and dance performances, concerts from light entertainment to classical music, including jazz, world music and folk, family and literature programs, film screenings, equal opportunity programs, exhibitions and artisan markets.

Needless to say, high-quality wines from Villány and its region will accompany these events.

Guests of honor of the Festival: Örkény Theater, Mihály Dresch jazz musician, András Wahorn artist and Dezső Ránki piano player.

Readers of The Guardian are also discovered Ördögkatlan Festival. An article based on readers’ comments lists summer programs in Hungary, mainly events outside the capital. Ördögkatlan is mentioned third among recommended locations, which included the City of Pécs and cellars in Villány, both of them close to Ördögkatlan.

Date: 4-8 August, 2015
Location: Nagyharsány, Kisharsány, Palkonya, Beremend and Vylyan Terrace

For more information:
Ördögkatlan on Facebook


Five-day-pass in advance:
from 1st of December to 31st of March: 8.000 HUF
from 1st of April to 15th of June: 9.000 HUF
from 16th of June to 3rd of August: 10.000 HUF

Daily Pass in advance:
availebale between 1st April and 3rd August: 3.500 HUF

You can also buy your tickets on the spot.

Five Day Pass: 12.000 HUF
Daily Pass: 3.900 HUF


http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/ordogkatlan-festival-2015/feed/ 0
VinCE Balaton Wine Festival 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/vince-balaton-wine-festival-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/vince-balaton-wine-festival-2015/#comments Thu, 25 Jun 2015 19:49:06 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=4947 This year the VinCE Balaton – organized by VinCE Magazine – will be held fourth time on the Tagore parade at Balatonfüred, which is one of the country’s most spectacular waterfront location.

VinCE 2015Photo:http://vincebalaton.hu/

More than 60 selected exhibitors will offer products ranging from artisan beers to gourmet fish dishes. Free concerts will be held on the waterfront stage, starting from early afternoon, along with children programs. The entire festival will be held free of charge.

The traditional Blue Ribbon sailboat race around Lake Balaton will be organized on 2-5 July – this time the race will be accompanied with a special event. Spectators may follow the race from the shore or from anchored yachts with holding a glass of cool wine – participating in special “wine experience courses” offered by festival organizers. The 90-minute classes will be held on the deck of an electric yacht for HUF 4000/person. This price includes the cruising, tasting of at least 6 kinds of wines and mineral water. In addition, champagne cruise, pinot-boat, rose sail and other attractive events will be on the plate of the festival.

Date: 2-5 July, 2015.
Location: Vitorlás Square and Tagore parade


ax wine
Balatoni Borok Háza
Bock Pince
Feind Borház
Fekete Béla
Fuxli wines from Szekszárd Wine Region
Gere Attila Pincészete
Günzer Tamás
Günzer Zoltán
Halasi Pincészet
HERR Pince
Katona Borház
Linbrunn Pincészet
Obzidián Bormanufaktúra
Schieber Pincészet
Vabrik Pincészet
Zelna Borászat

View VinCe 2015 in a larger map

For more information:

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/vince-balaton-wine-festival-2015/feed/ 0
Somló Midsummer-Night Cellar Tour 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/somlo-midsummer-night-cellar-tour-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/somlo-midsummer-night-cellar-tour-2015/#comments Sat, 20 Jun 2015 10:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=4914 On Saturday 20th June 41 Somló Hill cellars will open up all night to invite guests to participate in cultural and wine-related events.

For the tour Hungarian Railway provides a special timetable, and stops some of its fast trains from /to Budapest by the foot of Somló hill, at Somlóvásárhely station.

This year for the first time guests of the event can travel with 50% discount on return tickets !

10 am on 20th June the three chapels of Somló will open at the same time. This happens only one time each year, on this day.

At 10 pm the three chapels will toll their bells, giving the sign for the cellars to light their bonfire – and the tour begins.

Organizers invite the most persistent guests to greet the first lights of the sun on the hilltop with us, where there will be music and a final glass of wine.

The list of this year’s participating cellars and all the latest news are available on http://pincetura.somloi.hu/?lang=en or Map

The event is free, cellars charge for the wine only. We will – as in previous years – provide you with our official “take-home” wine cups. You will be able to buy these for 100 HUF at most cellars.

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/somlo-midsummer-night-cellar-tour-2015/feed/ 0
Grand Champagne Tasting 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/grand-champagne-tasting-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/grand-champagne-tasting-2015/#comments Fri, 19 Jun 2015 19:36:43 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=4923 The Grand Champagne tasting will be held on 20 June, in the rooms of Corinthia Hotel Budapest, between 2 PM and 10 PM.

Champagne Tasting 2015Photo: http://pezsgoszalon.hu/

This event is aimed to draw attention to champagnes and sparkling wines. Wide range of Hungarian and international products will be presented on this event.

In addition to the walking tasting three master courses will be held to expand professional knowledge.

1. Type of champagnes in Europe

Gabriella Mészáros, international wine academic, will present various traditional champagne manufacturing methods with comparing methods used in Europe.

Kreinbacher Prestige Brut
La Vida al Camp Cava Brut
Pierre-Marie Chermette Crémant de Bourgogne Blanc de Blancs Brut
Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Brut
Veuve Clicquot Rosé Scream Your Love
Ruinart Blanc de Blancs
Billecart-Salmon Brut Vintage 2006

Date: 20 June, 12:30-14:00

2. Champagnes for Tokaj

Since 2010 more and more traditionally-made champagnes are coming from this wine region. Gabriella Mészáros, international wine academic, will introduce the initial start of a new style of Tokaj wine with presenting a series of champagnes from Tokaj.

Béres – Béres 2010
Demeter Zoltán – Brut Nature 2011
Dereszla – Dereszla Sparkling Méthode Traditionnelle 2011
Gróf Degenfeld – Furmint 2011
Patricius – Tokaji 2012
Sauska Tokaj – Pezsgő Extra Brut Rosé

Date: 20 June, 15:00-16:30

3. Verttical champagne tasting by Garamvári

Vencel Garamvári will introduce seven different items, the latest from 2013 and the .
oldest from 2000.

Furmint Brut 2013 – furmint
Optimum Brut 2011 – chardonnay, pinot blanc és pinot noir
Blanc Fleur Brut 2008 – pinot blanc
Evolution Rosé Brut 2007 Magnum – pinot noir
Prestige Brut 2005 – fehér pinot noir
Hárslevelű Extra Dry 2002 – hárslevelű
Jubileum Brut 2000 Magnum – chardonnay

Date: 20 June, 17:30-19:00

For more information:
https://www.facebook.com/winelovers.hu (hun)
http://pezsgoszalon.hu (hun)

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/grand-champagne-tasting-2015/feed/ 0
Tokaj Wine Festival 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/tokaj-wine-festival-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/tokaj-wine-festival-2015/#comments Fri, 05 Jun 2015 10:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=4919 Tokaj – the former commercial centre after which the wine region is named – jumps into action for its wine festival.

This is a more traditional town festival with popular pop and rock bands catering to the masses, though in recent years the quality producers have increasingly organised their own extra events, such as intimate tastings, exhibitions, jazz concerts and more.


http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/tokaj-wine-festival-2015/feed/ 0
Open Cellar Days 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/open-cellar-days-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/open-cellar-days-2015/#comments Sat, 23 May 2015 10:00:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=4891 This year’s series of Open Cellar Days will be held between 23 and 25 of May 2015.

The Open Cellar Days is a nationwide wine tourism event to be organized for the general public. The event will involve every wine region and winemaking location in Hungary.

The list of participating cellars and their services are available on the following Link (hungarian) which is continuously updated.

During these three days visitors may enter into participating cellars – between 10 AM and 7 PM – without booking.

Date: 23-25 May 2015

For more information:
Web: http:\\www.nyitottpince.hu

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/upcomingevents/open-cellar-days-2015/feed/ 0