Hungarian Wine Production 2013
During a background discussion of this professional organization, the Vice President of the National Council of Vineyard Villages [Hegyközségek Nemzeti Tanácsa (HNT)] provided details about the last year’s performance of the industry, and added, that 2.663 million hectoliter unfiltered wine was produced from the 2013 harvest; two third of this volume was white, 5.7 % rose and 28.5 % red wine. Hungary exports approximately 700 000 hectoliter and imports a little bit more than 500 000 hectoliter wine in each year.
The Vice President told: in last year 63 830 hectare land was used for cultivating grape vines; out of the 22 wine regions Kunság is the largest (20 000 hectares), the two smallest regions, Nagy-Somló and Mór cover app. 500 hectares. Between 2010 and 2013 13.87 % – 8858 hectares – of the vineyards have been re-planted in Hungary. White grapes make 67 %, dark grapes 33 % of the cultivated area.
In 2012 app. 258 000 tons of grape was harvested, which yielded app. 1.8 million hectoliter wine from the harvest of the year before last year.