Eight hundred wines from forty countries have been entered into the Chardonnay du Monde competition, organized in Burgundy.
In this year 794 samples were submitted to the most prestigious competition of Chardonnay-type wines and champagnes, where 265 wines were awarded with medals.
Wines were assessed by a 300-strong panel of judges, half of them from France, the rest from all over the world. They awarded 49 gold, 177 silver and 39 bronze medals.
The following Hungarian wines won silver medals:
Kovács Nimród Winery – Egri Battonage Chardonnay 2011
Web: http://kovacsnimrodwinery.hu
Günzer Tamás – Villányi Chardonnay 2012
Web: http://borpinceszet.hu
Etyeki Kúria – Chardonnay 2011
Web: http://www.etyekikuria.com
Törley – Chardonnay Brut
Web: http://www.torley.hu