Exclusive Great Tokaj Wine Auction wines at Tokaj Grand

Exclusive Great Tokaj Wine Auction wines at Tokaj Grand


On Saturday 28th March press and guests who wish to bid for the unique wines offered at the Great Tokaj Wine Auction in April 2015 can meet winemakers and wines sold at the previous two auctions as part of the Tokaj Grand event at the elegant Corinthia Hotel.

Tokaj Auction 2015

Only exclusive wines may be offered at the Auction, wines that are not currently on the market and that satisfy the criteria. The quality of the wines is checked several times by the Confrérie de Tokaj Wine Tasting Committee. Buyers may bid from the range of Tokaji wines from dry right up to 6 puttonyos Aszú. Guests will also have the chance to experience these unique wines that can only be tasted during the three-day Tokaj Spring staged around the Great Tokaj Wine Auction (24-26th April). The event brings lovers of Tokaj together with the Tokaj Wine Region and members of the Confrérie, providing the opportunity to make new discoveries and become better acquainted with both the great terroir-based wines and the region and its passionate producers.

The event begins with a trip on the Tokaj Orient Express, the heritage train specially commissioned for guests to travel in style from Budapest. Excellent wines and food as well as good company and an interesting talk about the history of the vineyards. Those who would like to experience more of the vineyards than the view from the train can offer have the opportunity to choose one of three short guided tours led by winemakers who share their knowledge, answering any questions. These conversations will doubtless continue in the evening when the winemakers each host their own table at the dinner and wine tastings.
On Saturday, Auction day, those registered can taste all the auction lots in Sárospatak Castle before a picnic lunch created by Anyukám mondta gives sustenance for the excitement of the Auction in the afternoon.
The gala dinner dance is a suitable end to the dramatic day. Held in Gusteau, Mád, it will be preceded by the initiation ceremony of new Confrérie members and a performance by opera singer Katalin Gémes. Live music provided by stylish band Black Velvet for the dancing.
Guests may visit participating producers on the Sunday, the last day of the event.

Participating wineries: Barta Winery, Bodnár Winery, Béres Vineyards and Winery, Demetervin, Disznókő, Füleky Winery, László Kvaszinger, Mádi Borház, Pajzos Winery, Samuel Tinon Grands Vins de Tokaj, Szent Benedek Winery, Szent Tamás Winery, Szepsy Winery, Tokaj-Hétszőlő, Tokaj Crown Estate, Zsirai Winery.

The Confrérie would like to use a proportion of the Auction income to add to the Tokaj Wine Region. Those who buy at the Auction know that not only do they become the exclusive owner of a high quality wine, but with their purchase they are supporting the UNESCO World Heritage site. The intricate link between people and their natural environment appears as a tangible cultural asset.

To find out more details about the Tokaj Spring event and the Confrérie de Tokaj, whose members include the very best Tokaj producers, passionate wine lovers and merchants, and the legendary Tokaj Wine Region UNESCO World Heritage since 2002, visit our website www.tokajiborlovagrend.hu.


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