Colorful World: Although Bodrogkeresztúr and Tokaj are both located at the bottom of the Tokaj-hill, they have totally different characters. Tokaj is the home of sweetness and aromas, whilst Bodrogkeresztúr, including Bodrogkisfalud, can be described by elegance and diversity.
“Sampling of the Easter Ham” and “Birthday on the Market”
- Ham Show organized by the “Bari Bio Mangalica” (a special, Hungarian breed of pigs) Farm. Location: Bari Bio Farm and Kocsis-farm |
- “Szóráth Pálinka ” will offer wide range of spirits to visitors |
- 10:00-13:00: we will construct kites to catch March winds |
- Preparation of Easter ornaments with the help of local craftsmen |
- 10:00-14:00: Horse riding in the vineyard on ponies. Organizer: Hátas-farm |
- Nursery of baby animals: an opportunity for children to touch and feel farm animals |
- 11:00 „Colorful World: Bodrogkeresztúr, Bodrogkisfalud and Tokaj” – Wine-tasting and wine lectures presented by László Alkonyi |
- Gastronomic venture in the Yellow Wine House Restaurant: lamb-ham tasting and lamb dishes on the “Market Menu”, made from lamb products of the „Keleméri Báránykák” (Lambs of Kelemér) Farm |
- the “Birthday Cake of the Market” will be prepared by the Csicsörke Lekvárműhely (Jam Workshop) |
- music for the “Birthday” will be provided by Agyagbanda (Clay Band).
Guided wine tasting and wine lecture with László Alkonyi at the market in Tokaj-Hegyalja.
Cellars/ Vineyards
Bodrog Borműhely/Lapis
Bott Pince/Teleki
Demeter Zoltán/Szerelmi
Patrícius Borház/Várhegy
Paulai Pince/Verebes
Tokaj Nobilis/Barakonyi
Participants must register in advance!
HUF 2000
Date: 13 April 2014.
Location: The Disznókő Vineyard (along Highway No. 37), on the square adjacent to the Yellow Wine House
For more information: