Tokaj-Hegyalja Market (Mushrooms into the Basket!) is on the second Sunday of the Month, 9th September at the Sárga Borház Restaurant on the Disznókő Estate.As the name suggests, mushrooms are in focus this time. In Tokaj fungus has a special role in the Aszu-making process, one of the reasons we respect it so much. And, as the untouched forests of the Zemplén Mountains provide a home for many species, the noble shroom is a typical feature of local dishes.
From 10.30am you can see the WICKER WEAVERS AT WORK – along with the products of the Tokaji Weavers of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. The aim for this market is to create the best basket for ’shrooming – THIS IS HOW THE BASKET IS MADE FOR MUSHROOMING! The Weavers make artistic and functional pieces to be used in family homes and gardens, the wineries and other companies, and public spaces, becoming a distinctive product of the Tokaji Wine Region. They are happy to hear your ideas and requests.From 11am is the ”EDIBLE MUSHROOMS IN THE FORESTS AND IN THE FIELDS” talk about collecting and identifying mushrooms by Gábor Koltay, owner of the Királyi Csemegék wildcrafting firm in Aggtelek. TRUFFLE PRODUCTS will be available.Dates for the other markets this year: 14 October – Harvest Fun (on the same weekend as the Mindszent Havi Mulatsaggal wine and culture festival in Bodrogkeresztur)
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