Home Events Open Cellar Days 2014

Open Cellar Days 2014


This year’s series of Open Cellar Days will be held between 7 and 9 of June 2014.

The Open Cellar Days is a nationwide wine tourism event to be organized for the general public. The event will involve every wine region and winemaking location in Hungary.

PalkonyaVillány Wine Region – Palkonya

The list of participating cellars and their services are available on the following webpage: www.nyitottpince.hu, which is continuously updated.

Since 1996 Open Cellar Days are held during Whitsun. This year special attention will be paid to people visiting cellars during the 19th Open Cellar Days; they will be offered 50 % discount on wine tasting.

During these three days visitors may enter into participating cellars – between 10 AM and 7 PM – without booking.

We highly recommend this event to everyone who is interested in discovering new cellars, wines or regions, in establishing new relationships or simply keen on visiting various wine regions of Hungary.

Date: 7-9 June 2014

For more information:
Web: http:\\www.nyitottpince.hu



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