About Hungarian Wine » Events http://www.abouthungarianwine.com News and events from the 22 wine regions of Hungary. Thu, 19 May 2016 18:58:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.8 Rosalia Festival 2016 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/rosalia-festival-2016/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/rosalia-festival-2016/#comments Fri, 06 May 2016 20:19:43 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5258 Walking under the trees of Városliget (City Garden) you may learn about the thousand faces of Hungarian rosés, sparkling wines and champagnes.

Rosalia 2016 Photo: Zsolt Szigetvary

Between 6 and 8 May the meadow behind Vajdahunyadvár (exact replica of the original medieval castle now in Romania) will be awakened: wide range of wines, especially various rosés, sparkling wines and champagnes will be served and the atmosphere will be boosted by various types of entertainments.

Wide range of street foods will accompany wines provided by more than 50 winemakers. In each evening concerts will be held on the Jazzy podium; in addition, late night music will entertain wine drinker. This wine festival – with many surprises – will be held to welcome the summer season. This is an ideal occasion to families as well, because several programs will be offered to the youngest generation too.

Almost any food is enjoyable with a glass of rosé, sparkling wine or champagne, which can be consumed while strolling along food and wine vendors. During this year's Rosalia Festival the new trend of "street food" will offer wide variety of gastronomic specialties: bistro kitchen, ham and cheese plates, fine chocolates, macaroons, boiled ice creams and excellent coffees.

Visit this event to find your favorite rosé and champagne.

Date: 6-8 May
Location: City Park, Budapest

Paying and consuming at the festival

Free entry.

Stölzle crystal tasting glasses – with Rosalia logo – are available on the festival. (The exhibitors will serve the wine only in Rosalia tasting glasses.)

Price of the glass: 1,000 HUF

For more information:

Web: http://www.rosalia.hu/en/
E-mail: info@tokajimarcius.hu

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Tokaj Spring 2016, Great Tokaj Wine Auction http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/tokaj-spring-2016-great-tokaj-wine-auction/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/tokaj-spring-2016-great-tokaj-wine-auction/#comments Tue, 29 Mar 2016 20:30:00 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5238 A total of 27 exclusive, limited Tokaji wines from 19 producers will go under the hammer at the Confrérie de Tokaj’s fourth Great Tokaj Wine Auction on 23rd April 2016 in Tokaj town.

GTWA 2016

Once again we see a great balance of varieties and Tokaji wine styles from dry, late harvest and sweet Szamorodni to Aszú and Eszencia from both large and small producers, established and up-and-coming winemakers. As Wojciech Bońkowski notes, “The latest stroke of local genius is the Great Tokaj Wine Auction: a perfect example of intelligent promotion and valorisation of Tokaj’s territory and its liquid asset.”

These unique contemporary lots are specially chosen for the auction and available in limited quantities only: one Gönci barrel (136 l) of dry wines and one or a half Gönci barrel (136 l / 68 l) of sweet wines. The Tokaj Wine Tasting Committee (Ronn Wiegand, MS, MW, and Gabriella Mészáros, wine educator) check the quality of the wines at several stages from selection to bottling with the special Confrérie label before the next Great Tokaj Wine Auction in 2017. Ronn Wiegand says, “I believe that Tokaj’s best-ever wines are being made right now (some of them are here in this auction!), and it is exciting and rewarding for me to be part of its historic rebirth.”

Participating wineries are Baranyai Béla, Barta, Basilicus, Béres, Demetervin, Disznókő, Dorogi, Erzsébet, Füleky, Gróf Degenfeld, Holdvölgy, Kvaszinger, Patricius, Samuel Tinon Grands Vins de Tokaj, Sauska Tokaj, Szent Benedek, Tokaj Crown Estates, Tokaj-Hétszőlő, and Zsirai. This year we also see a charity lot. Mád Circle producers have each contributed a Tokaji Aszú which will be auctioned together in aid of Mike Grgić’s winery, Croatia, which was severely damaged by fire in 2015.

All Tokaji wine lovers are welcome at both the Auction and the three-day Tokaj Spring events. The Great Tokaj Wine Auction is the highlight of the three-day Tokaj Spring event. Other focal points are the blind tasting of auction lots, vineyard tours and wine dinners organised with other associations including Tokaj Renaissance and Mád Circle in the historic Tokaj wine region. These events bring those passionate and curious about Tokaj to meet and discover the terroir and people who are shaping this UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site. New members will be welcomed at the intronisation in the Rákóczi Cellar.

A brief overview of previous auctions. Auctioneer Nóra Winkler observes, “This international auction which began 4 years ago is going in the right direction: record hammer prices, full-house events, wine tastings and elegant dinners.” In 2015 three quarters of the lots were sold and several more than doubled from the starting price bringing a final hammer price of € 100 415, continuing the upwards trend of the first two auctions (€ 67 500 in 2013, € 90 433 in 2014). More bidders arrived from outside Hungary in 2015 (40 % of lots sold outside Hungary, including USA and France) to join returning buyers and newcomers to the game. Also on the increase are buyers’ groups which allow a wider audience the chance to obtain part of an exclusive lot. Thus those who would rather be the owner of a small quantity are able to enjoy wines previously snapped up by larger buyers such as private individuals and businesses, top restaurants and wine merchants/importers. Telephone bidding is an option for buyers unable to attend the Auction.

Most of the founding members of the Confrérie are Tokaj wine producers but membership is open to all friends of wine and professionals who wish to participate in the evolution of the region. The Confrérie receives 40 % of the after tax price to part finance the next auction and for the benefit of the Tokaj wine region, part of UNESCO World Heritage since 2002.

Pictures of Tokaj Spring 2015 are here: www.tokajiborlovagrend.hu

For more information please contact Katherine Chapman

info@tokajiborlovagrend.hu +36 70 612 0400

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Program Series “Tokaj Grand” 2016 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/program-series-tokaj-grand-2016/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/program-series-tokaj-grand-2016/#comments Sun, 06 Mar 2016 19:57:42 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5223 This series of events presents not only all major cellars, but also wine-related organizations in Tokaj and various programs, gastronomic and artistic opportunities in the region.

Tokaj March 2016Photo:http://tokajimarcius.hu

One of the most significant events of ”Tokaj March” is the Grand Wine Tasting, to be held on 19 March in Hotel Corinthia Budapest. Tokaj-Hegyalja is not a single village, it is a colorful area with several grape and wine varieties. This fact will be supported not only by the presentation of the best products of more than 70 winemakers, but also by exhibitions of local associations, tourist guides and gastronomic specialities. In addition, several master courses will enhance this experience.

Available master courses:

“Committed to excellence: the last 15 years of Tokaj-Oremus”

The Álvarez family arrived in Tokaj-Hegyalja in the nineties and established the Tokaj-Oremus estate. This master course will introduce the estate to the public with presenting the 5 best dry wines and 5 top aszu made in the last 15 years. These dry wines are released only in limited numbers, available only directly from the cellar in magnum bottles.

“The brand of Tokaj” – the settlement and its wines

In the last few years Tokaj-Hegyalja meant not only winemaking, gastronomic ventures and tourism developments, but also increasing social cooperation.
Social cooperation in many settlements leads to the establishment of a new type of brand, the so-called “collective wine”. In other places individual winemakers search for new capacities of a specific area. In order to illustrate the beauty of varieties in wines, 5 winemakers from 5 settlements are presenting 10 wines.

“Tokaj on the world market: the rejuvenated Tokaj Kereskedőház (Trading House)”

The sheer volume of raw materials and the role of a regional integrator are representing the significance of Tokaj Trading House: 40 % of wines produced in Tokaj originate from here. The House is using not only its own grapes, each year they purchase grapes from 1100 ha vineyards. The state-owned company is well aware of its significance; in 2013, over and above engineering and infrastructural developments, significant improvement in quality became their first priority.

Tokaj: dream or reality? Zoltán Demeter reveals the secrets of specific localities and their wines

Demeter Zoltán’s 20 year old cellar has been committed to the re-discovery of specific localities and their wines. Now he owns almost 5 ha in five villages in Tokaj-Hegyalja, in 9 specific locations. Mészáros Gabriella, a former TV presenter will ask the winemaker about his personal believes and the objective position of Tokaj today.

The secret of the Loess in Tokaj in the light of “Hétszőlő” wines

The loess in Tokaj is the thickest and most ancient loess layer in East Hungary. In this region this layer is most significant in the area of Tokaj and Tarcal; this loess is rich in minerals and capable of rapid heat absorption. The result is a rich variety of wines, produced in different localities.

The location of the Tokaj dessert wine: Tokaj vs. Sauternes

In Europe – apart from Tokaj-Hegyalja – there is only one single area where large quantities of sweet, dessert wines are produced on a regular basis: Sauternes in France. This master course will compare wines from these regions.

Date: 19 March, 2:00-10:00 PM
Location: Corinthia Hotel Budapest Erzsébet krt. 43-49, Hungary.

For more information:

Web: http://tokajimarcius.hu/english
E-mail: info@tokajimarcius.hu

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The 7th VinCE Budapest Wine Show 2016 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/the-7th-vince-budapest-wine-show/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/the-7th-vince-budapest-wine-show/#comments Wed, 02 Mar 2016 16:39:08 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5222 Visitors to the 7th VinCE Budapest Wine Show – to be held between 3 and 5 of March in Hotel Corinthia – will have the opportunity to taste 1000 wines from 182 cellars all over the world.

The opening day on Thursday will be reserved for the trade, for professional gastronomists. On the following days standing wine tasting and professional presentations will be available to the general public – the number of tickets will be significantly limited.

VinCe 2016Photo: http://vincebudapest.hu

Almost every major Hungarian wine cellar will be represented, including several new exhibitors from Hungary. An exceptionally large number of foreign winemakers will arrive from Slovenia to Italy and from Austria to Turkey.
The VinCE Budapest shop will be a novelty in purchasing wine. Items introduced on the standing tasting will be available over a period of a couple of days using a new app. In addition, part of the ticket price can be used in the online shop.

A separate “route” will be established to reach organic producers. Visitors along this route will receive special gifts. In a separate room a wine dispenser and preserver system, operated by smart phones, will be available for testing.

Most of the guests are looking forward to participate in master courses and workshops to be held in VinCE Budapest. Special items of the Mumm Champagne House – official supplier to Forma-1 – will be presented by Thomas Lignier master head of the cellar. In everything goes as planned, Veuve Cliquot from Champagne will bring wines to be used for making champagnes. György Márkus will offer a tasting of surprises from the world of champagnes. A separate master course will be devoted to Tokaj champagnes. Spanish cellars will present traditionally fermented products during a lecture on cava.

Wine regions from the state of Washington will also be introduced. The route of Alexander the Great will be followed by local wines presented by Elisabeth Gabay Master of Wine (MW); among others, wines from Greece, Israel, Cyprus, Turkey and India will be available for tasting. The master course on Cabernet Franc will offer a domestic and international review of this widely known wine.

Presentation by Nick Adams MW and Adam Pawlowski Master Sommelier (M) will show how to compile a perfect wine list. Anne McHale MW will introduce one of the most exciting wine region in France, the Rhone-valley.

Courses will be held not only on wines and champagnes; a distillate will be presented by Guillaume Drouin master distiller, who will bring his variety of Calvados from Normandy.

In accordance with tradition, the VinCE awards will be presented on the closing day; best ideas and most inspiring examples which shape the domestic wine world will be honored.

Date: 3-5 March 2016
Location: Hotel Corinthia Budapest, Hungary.

For more information:


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The 11th Ball of Hungarian wines http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/the-11th-ball-of-hungarian-wines/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/the-11th-ball-of-hungarian-wines/#comments Sun, 14 Feb 2016 18:15:58 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5209 The 11th Ball of Hungarian Wines will be held on 27 February 2016 in the Hotel InterContinental Budapest. This event is aimed to present high quality Hungarian wines to exclusive guests in an appropriate environment.
Hungarian Wine Ball 2016
The wine list is based on wines which represent the most significant wines available in the domestic market. An elegant, traditional champagne, Olaszrizling, spicy Kékfrankos, a dignifying Bordeaux-type red cuvee and the Tokaji are all included in the sumptuous wine list. This year’s guest-wine: pinot noir.

The 11th Ball of Hungarian wines is not only an elegant ball and gastronomic experience, but also an exclusive standing wine tasting offering 100 different kind of wines from Hungary. The basic wine list of the menu comprises 2 kinds of champagnes and 5 wines.

93 additional items (total of 550-1100 bottles presented in batches of 6 or 12) are also offered in the foyer of the grand hall, overlooking the river Danube. The entire range of Hungarian wines (in accordance with their varieties, styles and regions) will be available with the most significant and highest quality products on the list.

The menu will combine fine dining with components of the traditional Hungarian kitchen – elegant and exciting as well as substantial and plentiful.

The Menu

– Crème Camembert, Granny Smith apple with endives
– Fried Tisza catfish fillet with mayonnaise and celery and Osetra caviar
– Brandade with fresh mixed salad
– Mushroom stew and crouton dumpling with parsley
– Goose ragout in Savoy cabbage with spicy pumpkin puree
– Fillet steak with goose, served with turnip and carrot in beetroot jus
– Soft Aszú mousse on sponge-fingers with walnut, figs and apricot.

The Wine List

– Garamvári – Furmint brut and Optimum brut (methode traditionelle sparkling wines)
– Figula – Csopaki Sáfránykert 2013
– Vida – Hidaspetre Kékfrankos 2013
– Kertész – Pinot Noir 2011
– Bock – Bock Cuvée 2011 (Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot)
– Oremus – Tokaji Aszú 2006

Date: 27 February 2016
Location: InterContinental Budapest, Hungary.


Ticket includes:
Welcome drink and amuse bouche
5-course exclusive ball dinner
Full participation in the ball program
Unlimited consumption (food and beverages) in the lobby after dinner
Taking part in the raffle game (the value of prizes amount to 2 500 000 HUF)

Diamond Tables No. 1-9. 60 000 HUF + VAT/person
Golden Tables No. 10-22. 55 000 HUF + VAT/person
Silver Tables No. 23-35. 50 000 HUF + VAT/person

Standing Ticket:

For guests with standing tickets the door opening is at 8pm, the event starts at 8.30pm.

Welcome drink and amuse bouche
3-course ball dinner as a standing reception
Unlimited consumption (food and beverages) in the lobby after dinner

For more information:
Web: borbal.hu
E-mail: info@borbal.hu

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Major Hungarian Wine-related Programs in 2016 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/major-hungarian-wine-related-programs-in-2016/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/major-hungarian-wine-related-programs-in-2016/#comments Tue, 12 Jan 2016 05:17:53 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5195 Like in previous years, this time we have collected all major wine-related programs to be held in 2016. In this year, similar to the last year, Hungarian wine-lovers, both amateurs and professionals, will have plenty of opportunity to taste Hungarian wines. Good news to food and music lovers: in each and every occasion the presentation of local food specialties and cultural programs will enhance the event. Please take a look at our calendar, which will be updated all the time.

9 January – “Jégvirágtól Borvirágig” (from white frost to red cheeks … Hungarian play on words) 2016.

This event is located in the Monor Pincefalu (Cellar Village). At several places of this festival visitors will have unlimited taste of traditional and special mulled wines made by local winemakers. In addition, chefs invited by the winemakers will offer tasty bites in the so-called “all you can eat” system.

23 January – “Winter Picnic in Etyek”

Winemakers from Újhegy and Szépvölgy in Etyek will invite guests and other winemakers to visit Gasztrosétány. Similar to past picnics, the event is enhanced by exhibition of quality artifacts and culinary presentation and a market. The mulled wine competition will guarantee satisfaction.

23 January – “Pincéről pincére” (from Cellar to Cellar) – Variations on Vince 2016.

Revival of an old tradition in Villány: winemakers try to forecast this year’s harvest from the weather on Vince-day and the condition of vine cuts, so-called „Vince vesszők” (Vince twigs). The event includes wine tasting and tasty bits from Siklós to Villány.

27-30 January. “Exhibition of Vineyards and Cellars 2016.”

This unique exhibition of vineyards and cellars is the only event which presents the winemaking technology. This event, to be held in January, before starting the 2016 season, will provide an opportunity to local players of the industry.

4 February – “Furmint in February”

So far more than 50 cellars have been registered at the February Great Furmint Tasting, to be held in the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture.

13 February – “Olaszrizling Szerintünk” (Olaszriesling as we make it)

Producers of this unique wine will come together, taste and contemplate about the future and about the chances of Olaszrizling.

12-13 February – “Borjour Magnum”

This year’s Borjour will be held over two days with the participation of more than 200 winemakers and 600 wine samples.

26 February- “Eger-Szekszárd Bikavér Párbaj” (Bikavér Duel)

Best winemakers from Eger and Szekszárd will compare their Bikavérs in Budapest, in Hote Corinthia Hotel.

27 February – “Magyar Borok Bálja” (Ball of Hungarian Wines)

The 11th The Ball of Hungarian Wines will be presented in 2016, in the Hotel InterContinental Budapest. This event will offer high-quality Hungarian wines in a matching environment.

3 March – “Borjog és Bormarketing Konferencia” (Wine Legislations and Marketing Conference)

This Conference, with an expected participation of 200 people, is aimed to provide a forum to opinions helping the winemaking industry. Also, this event will provide a platform to professional communication. Location: Boscolo New York Palace.

3-5 March “VinCE Budapest Wine Show”

International experts, famous winemakers and wine writers will meet in Budapest, during the first weekend of this spring. This grandiose Wine Show will present an opportunity to Hungarian winemakers too. Almost 1000 wines from more than 100 winemakers will be available to ticket-holders of this standing reception. Master classes and workshops will also be presented, mostly in English language.

19 March – “Tokaj Grand Wine Tasting”

Tokaj Grand, to be held this year second time, is aimed to draw attention of wine-lovers and the general public not only to the Tokaj region but also to the entire wine region.

Location: Hotel Corinthia Budapest.

March – “Pezsgő Páholy” (Sparking Wine Guild)

This grandiose event will be organized by “Garamvári Szőlőbirtok” to present local champagnes and relevant dishes.

19-20 March – “Nyitott pincék Hajós” (Open Cellars) 2016

Open Cellars in the Cellar Village of Hajós! This cellar village is the star of the Hajós-Baja wine region, where wines are the only occupants of 1200 wine cellars.

12 April – “Spring Picnic in Etyek”

25 April – “Kékfrankos Április Nagykóstoló” (Grand Kékfrankos Tasting in April)

The Grand Kékfrankos Tasting in April will draw attention to the most abundant red wine grape in Hungary.

May – “Szekszárdi – Kulcs a szívedhez” (Szekszárd Key to your Heart).

This wine tasting will be held in Budapest with the participation of app. 20 winemakers from Szekszárd.

May – “Szegedi Borfesztivál” (Wine Festival in Szeged)

Wine Festival in Szeged – Day of Szeged. This series of festivities is the biggest party in the city, with concerts, shows and excellent wines lasting over 10 days.

6-8 May 6-8 – “Rosalia 2016″

Opening the Summer Season with fresh rose, sparkling wine and champagnes in the Gesztenyés garden..

12-15 May – “Gourmet Festival”

As usual, this festival will be held in the Millenáris Park, where chefs from first-rate restaurants will provide food specialties and the best winemakers and wholesalers will offer samples.

13-22 May “Nemzeti Bor Maraton” (National Wine Marathon)

In 2015: Almost 9 000 runners (with one world record – this was the longest marathon relay) and 103 settlements participated in 11 VIP locations with colorful programs. More than 20 000 people took part in this event, which covered all 22 wine regions in Hungary.

7-8 June – “Nyári Etyeki Piknik” (Summer Picnic in Etyek)

20 June – “Pezsgő Június Nagykóstoló” (Grand Champagne Tasting in June)

This event – organized by Winelovers – will be aimed to bubbling wines with the presentation of the best local and foreign sparkling wines and champagnes. As usual, master classes and other specialties will be on the plate.

25 June – “VinAgora Borgála” (VinAgora Wine Gala”

Samples of wines participating in the VinAgora competition will be offered to the general public in Budapest, in the Boscolo New York Palace.

July – “Egri Bikavér Ünnep” (Festival of Bikavér in Eger)

This wine festival, one of the most significant wine and culinary event of the Eger region, will be held in the romantic, tree-covered garden of Érsekkert. Lots of programs will be presented, among them artisan and craftsmen market and several musical events on two stages.

4-7 August “Debreceni Borkarnevál 2016″ and “Debreceni Bor- és Jazznapok” (Debrecen Wine Carnival 2016 and Debrecen Wine and Jazz Days)

These outdoor programs will take place at Békás Lake. This is the oldest jazz festival held without missing a single year.

12-14 August – “Bor, Mámor, Bénye” (Wine, Ecstasy, Bénye)

Wines from Tokaj, food specialties from Zemplén: festival in the gardens of Erdőbénye.

3-4 September – “Budafoki Pezsgő- és Borfesztivál” (Champagne and Wine Festival in Budafok)

6-7 SeptemberSzeptember 6-7 – “Őszi Etyeki Piknik” (Autumn Picnic in Etyek)

8-11 September – “Budapest Borfesztivál 2016″ (Budapest Wine Festival 2016)

In the Budapest Wine Festival, to be held on the terraces of the Castle of Buda, not only winemakers from Hungary, but also famous foreign wine traders will present their renowned wines to the visitors.

October – “Villányi Vörösborfesztivál” (Festival of Red Wines in Villány)

October – “Móri Bornapok” (Wine Days in Mór)

10 October – “Olaszrizling Október Nagykóstoló” (Grand Olaszriesling Tasting in October)

The fourth Grand Olaszriesling Tasting with the participation of the best Hungarian and foreign Olaszrieslings. Exciting master classes will enhance the atmosphere of the event.

November – “Márton Napi Borfesztivál a Gellértben” (Wine Festival on Márton Day in Hotel Gellért)

November – “Mitiszol Fesztivál” (What is in Your Glass Festival)

This wine tasting will be organized by Terra Hungarica, which is committed to make authentic Hungarian wines more popular. Almost 30 winemakers with 100 wines will participate in this event, where appropriate dishes will also be on the plate.

26 November – “Bordó Blend Nagykóstoló” (Grand Tasting of Bordeaux Blend)

In this November, like before, great wines from Bordeaux will be presented.

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/major-hungarian-wine-related-programs-in-2016/feed/ 0
Great Olaszrizling Tasting 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/great-olaszrizling-tasting-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/great-olaszrizling-tasting-2015/#comments Mon, 05 Oct 2015 20:01:24 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5110 The largest Olaszrizling muster in Hungary will be held on 10 October, where the public can learn about the versatility and every style of this wine variety.

Great Olaszrizling Tasting 2015Photo:http://olaszrizlingoktober.hu

The organizers expect more than 60 exhibitors to this event held in Budapest. Not only tasting, but 2 Master Classes will be held for people interested in the profession.

Subdued aromas of this wine variety are capable for expressing special conditions of this region. This year every wine region of the Carpathian basin will participate in this event.


1 A ‘Capella Szőlőbirtok, Badacsonyi borvidék
2 Bakó Ambrus, Badacsonyi borvidék
3 Belward Pince, Pécsi borvidék
4 Bezerics Borház, Badacsonyi borvidék
5 Boksay Pincészet, Badacsonyi borvidék
6 Bolfan Vinski VRH, Horvátország
7 Borbély Családi Pincészet, Badacsonyi borvidék
8 Borpalota, Mátrai borvidék
9 Bott Frigyes, Muzsla
10 Bujdosó Pincészet, Balatonboglári borvidék
11 Bussay Pincészet, Zalai borvidék
12 Canter Borház, Balatonfüred-Csopaki Borvidék
13 Csernyik Pince, Mátrai borvidék
14 Csobánci Bormanufaktúra, Badacsonyi borvidék
15 Dénes Hegybirtok, Nagy-Somlói borvidék
16 Dobosi Pincészet, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
17 Dúzsi Tamás Pincészete, Szekszárdi borvidék
18 Első Magyar Borház Szeremley Birtok, Badacsonyi borvidék
19 Feind Pincészet, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
20 Figula Pincészet, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék
21 Fodorvin Családi Pincészet, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
22 Gál Lajos Pincészete, Egri borvidék
23 Gál Szőlőbirtok és Pincészet, Kunsági borvidék
24 Gyukli Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
25 Hilltop, Ászár-Neszmélyi borvidék
26 HR Winery, Köbölkút
27 Ilocki Podrum, Horvátország
28 Istvándy Jenő Pincészete, Balatonfelvidéki borvidék
29 Istvándy Pincészet, Badacsonyi borvidék
30 Jásdi Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék
31 Joó Tamás, Villányi Borvidék
32 Káli Kövek, Balaton-felvidéki borvidék
33 Kálmán Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
34 Karner Gábor Kézműves Borászata, Mátrai borvidék
35 Kasnyik Családi Pincészet, Kürt
36 Kiss Attila, Mátrai borvidék
37 Kolonics Károly Pincészete, Nagy-Somlói borvidék
38 Kreinbacher Birtok, Nagy-Somlói borvidék
39 Laposa Borbirtok, Badacsonyi borvidék
40 Léránt Pince, Badacsonyi borvidék
41 Lídia Borház, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
42 Losonci Bálint, Mátrai borvidék
43 Mátyás Családi Pincészet, Kürt
44 Mészáros Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
45 Palota Pince, Balaton-felvidéki borvidék
46 Pálffy Pince, Balatonfelvidéki borvidék
47 Paloznaki Péter Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
48 Pántlika Pincészet, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék
49 Petrányi Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék
50 Petrény Pince, Egri borvidék
51 Pócz Pincészet, Balatonboglári borvidék
52 Sabar Borház, Badacsonyi borvidék
53 Schieszl Pince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
54 Skizo Borház, Badacsonyi borvidék
55 Skrabski Pince, Balatofüred-Csopaki borvidék
56 Somlói Vándor Pince, Nagy-Somlói borvidék
57 Söptei Pincészet és Étterem, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
58 Szabó és Fia Borpince, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ
59 Szászi Pince, Badacsonyi borvidék
60 Szent Donát, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék
61 Sziegl Pince, Hajós-Bajai borvidék
62 Trombitás Borház, Balaton-felvidéki borvidék
63 Vina Belje Borászat, Horvátország
64 VinoPiano Borbár és Kereskedés: Barcza Pincészet (Nagy-Somlói borvidék), Losonci Bálint (Mátrai borvidék), Málik Pince (Badacsonyi borvidék)
65 Zelna Borászat, Balatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék – RIZLING GENERÁCIÓ


You can buy your tickets on the spot

Daily pass: 10900 HUF
VIP pass: 13900 HUF

For more information:
Facebook event
Email: info@olaszrizlingoktober.hu
Web: www.olaszrizlingoktober.hu

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/great-olaszrizling-tasting-2015/feed/ 0
Red Wine Festival in Villány 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/red-wine-festival-in-villany-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/red-wine-festival-in-villany-2015/#comments Tue, 29 Sep 2015 19:45:12 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5103 Red wine will be celebrated in Villány, at the largest gastronomic event of the region, to be held over 3 days between 2 and 4 October.

Villany red wine festivalPhoto: http://villanyiborfesztival.hu

Not only red wine will be available on the most significant harvest festival of the region (based on traditions of many decades, but colorful children programs, folk music and dance, wine and food programs and special concerts will be presented to the visitors.

28 winemakers – more than any time before – are waiting for wine drinker in the wine-court, established in the center of the festival. To complement wines, visitors can taste home-made cheese specialties in the Cheese-street.

In addition to wines, local distillers will offer specil spirits as well. The Arts and Crafts Street will connect various areas of the event, where craftsmen from all over the country will present their wares. Needless to say, over and above the listed programs, wine cellars will also be open with local programs.

Facebook event


You can buy your tickets on the spot

three day pass: 2500 HUF
daily ticket: 1500 HUF

View Villány Red Wine Festival in a larger map

http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/red-wine-festival-in-villany-2015/feed/ 0
12. Autumn in Tokaj http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/12-autumn-in-tokaj/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/12-autumn-in-tokaj/#comments Sun, 13 Sep 2015 11:22:23 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5045 This year guests of the “Autumn in Tokaj” will have an opportunity to taste the best hungarian wines retrieved from the hidden corners of cellars built several hundreds of years ago.

Tokaj Autumn 2015Photo: www.tokajiosz.hu

Needless to say, special dishes will be offered by the best kitchens in the region. More than 20 winemakers from Hegyalja will participate in this event.

At the Szepsy Wine Diner – to be held on 18 September – selected Tokaj wines will be accompanied by creations of chefs from Costes (a Michelin-start restaurant), Onyx and Wine Kitchen. This 5-course diner will be offered in the Aszúház at Mád, which – with its currently opened wine archives and wine safe – will provide virtual games aimed to show how to make aszú.

Participants of this Gala Diner will witness a world premier: Georg Riedel, the owner of the Austrian Riedel Glass Works, will reveal his custom-made Tokaj Furmint glasses, which will, for sure, conquer the world after this three-day event.

On 19 September (Saturday) winemakers from Tokaj-Hegyalja will guide guests to professional wine tastings. These tastings will be presented both in the morning and afternoon to groups of 20-25 people. The Wine Bar will be opened from 6 PM in the Education Center of Mád.

As shown in the program, on 20 September (Sunday) guest may join to the exclusive tour of local cellars; they may select one of the three routes and winemakers.

Facebook event


http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/12-autumn-in-tokaj/feed/ 0
Szekszárd Harvest Days 2015 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/szekszard-harvest-days-2015/ http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/szekszard-harvest-days-2015/#comments Sat, 12 Sep 2015 11:48:51 +0000 http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/?p=5049 This event will commence on 17 September with the participation of 41 cellars from the region. Carefully selected hungarian wines will be offered in the Borudvar (Wine Court).

Szekszardi szuret 2015

To complement the wine selection, local restaurants will provide special dishes of the region. The Harvest Parade, to be held on Saturday afternoon, will be the most spectacular event of the festival. Participants in the parade will march in colorful dresses in harmony with harvest traditions. The parade will be enhanced by folk dancers and musicians.

In addition to Borudvar, several interesting programs will be offered: country fair with traditional handcrafts, wine label, photo and car exhibition, wine seminar, ceremonies of the Wine Order and evening concerts.


• Szoboszlay Pince, Leányvári Pálinkaellátó (pavilon jobb oldala)
• Szent Gaál Pince
• Virághegyi Bor Kft.
• Bodri Pincészet
• Bősz Adrián
• Mészáros Borház
• Sárosdi Pince
• Prantner Pince
• Ribling Pince, Ferger–Módos Borászat
• Garai Pince, Illyés Kúria
• Takler Borbirtok
• Sebestyén Pince
• Twickel Szőlőbirtok
• Herr Pince
• Németh János Pincészete
• Posta Borház
• Tringa Borpince
• Fritz Borház
• Vida Családi Borbirtok
• Remete Bor
• Vesztergombi Pince
• Dúzsi Tamás Pincéje
• Neiner Családi pince
• Lajvér Borház
• Dániel Pince
• Schieber Pincészet
• Merfelsz Pince
• Hetényi János Pincészete
• Danubiana
• Szeleshát Szőlőbirtok
• Ifj. Márkvárt János
• Tüske Pince
• Eszterbauer Borászat
• Heimann Családi Birtok
• Fekete Borpince
• Tűzkő Birtok
• Ferenczi Szőlőbirtok
• Brill Pálinkaház (pavilon bal oldala)

Facebook event


http://www.abouthungarianwine.com/events/szekszard-harvest-days-2015/feed/ 0